
Jon Meyer Single Image Winner Cityscape/street

Photo: Jon Meyer Single Image Winner Cityscape/street photo no. 1
The Sign Has it Right, Baltimore, Maryland, 2016
Fog, night and artificial light are my best friends for street photography. This image was taken on an urban foggy night. The night and the fog were right, but I had no focus until I saw the fog-shrouded, artificially lit passageway with light reflecting off wet pavement. Once I had the scene, I needed a subject. Patience became a virtue and I waited for pedestrian traffic. It took a number of shots—subjects bundled up, backs to me, running—before I could get that focus. Finally, the man in this image strode through, in a hurry but not too quickly, his head up, in full stride with his case, unaware of my presence.

_Jon Meyer

Cary, NC
