No. 40 December 2005 : B&W : For Collectors of Fine Photography

Issue No. 40

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  1. Collecting Books

    Senior Contributing Editor Richard Pitnick talks with publisher Michael Torosian of Lumiere Press about his uniquely handcrafted books. Also interviewed are rare-book dealer Harper Levine and Rixon Reed, proprietor of

  2. Louis Stettner

    At the impressive age of 83, this multitalented artist—he is a sculptor and painter as well as an accomplished photographer—still draws inspiration from roots planted in New York, where he spends the summers, and in Paris, where he lives during the rest of the year. This duality is reflected in his photography, exemplified in our feature article by vintage as well as contemporary work from these two metropolises.

  3. Koichiro Kurita

    Viewing his photographs is like entering a Zen garden. One must look for a long time, as the essence of the image is not only in the whole but in the details. “My work is the expression of the connection between myself and Nature,” he says.

  4. Rolf Koppel

    We explore the classic still lifes of this purist, whose concepts build on an enduring appreciation of all of the visual arts.

  5. Ann Cutting

    In her fascinating world, the things that might exist are given the same consideration as the things we know exist.

  6. Sandro Glaettli

    His source of creative energy is the forest.“I like forests because they represent cities of trees; I like trees because they are living beings.“

  7. Brenda Jamrus

    She makes luminous photograms that reveal the underlaying structural beauty of some of nature’s most fragile creations.

  8. Liz Johnson

    This British native adds elements of abstraction and ambiguity to her landscape photography—as well as environmental concerns.

  9. Jeff Korte

    Using a home-built pinhole camera, he captures images that seem forged by the elements. We show some of the haunting photographs from his series on ice forms in the Great Lakes region.

  10. Blair Polischuk

    Like Ansel Adams with Yosemite, and Edward Weston with Point Lobos, this nature lover is inextricably tied to a special place on earth—a small sliver of land off the British Columbia coast called Hornby Island.

  11. Skip Smith

    Searching for a way to give his prints an antique, very painterly quality, he found Kodalith developer to be his ”magic bullet.”