Untitled 3 by Ron Trimarchi
Above 10 by Andre Gallant
In Between by Jefflin
Storm Ascending by Lee Gordon
The Dancer -8 by Michael Greig
Nude III by Michael Fleischhacker
Let Me In! by Stan Singer
Hibernation Nightmare by Edward M. Fielding
St Marks by Bill Rosenberg
Little River Middle Prong Fog by Laszlo Perlaky
Junkyard 07 by Silvestre Machado
The Emerald in Gray #3 by Shinya Ichikawa
Starlight on the Racetrack by Don Whitebread
In the Woods by Elin Dolle
Vertical Reflections by Maurice Leatherbury
Foundations by Joel Masinsin
Holding Up the Wire by Scott Fowler
Lighted Seas by Gary Wagner
Monk by Gordon E. Chait
Manifold by Howard Grill
Koi Abstract 8 Portland OR 2014 by Marc Sheridan
Untitled 6 by Charles Mujie
Quiet Views #10 by Terry Pytlarz
Lady Hauscat 7 by Gia
Reflected SF by Len Blau
Amsterdam 10 by Christos Markou
Mannequin 4 by Aaron Michael Piccolo
Untitled 9 by Inuet
Untitled 7 by Max Sturdivant
Reflexions of My Life by Herminio Alberti