Untitled 3 by Geffrard W. Bourke
Raindrop Reflection by Jill Shepherd
Sea Grasses by Augustus Napier
Edge of Light by Joseph Corrado
Adolescence 1 by Ian Shand
Leaf in Whirlpool by Bill Prosser
Embrace by Darrell Sano
Untitled 3 by Nicole Picard
The Iris by Kara Wilson
Roses by William L. Witmer
Tulips by John N. Burnett
Forest Floor by Bernard Werner
Tulip 8 by Sophia Koopman
Nxamaseri 1 by Kathleen A.E. Donohoe
Make a Wish by Wendy Roche
Dried Grasses by Dona Corben
Flower on Barbed Wire by Barclay Hurst
Fragile by Gabriel Stanciu
Calle Lily No 6 by Ron Discipulo
Untitled 2 by Richard Wagner
Spring Leaves by Rui Jorge da Cunha Machado Aguiar
Calla 2 by Won-il Chung
Black Fish Lilly Pads by Marilyn Canning
B and W Pond by Debora Cartagena
Hanging Stick by Chuck Kimmerle
Wilted by Joel Kubicki
Reeds by Dean Fikar
Life and Death by Brian Anderson
Legacy by Edward R. Sancious
Fence Post by Richard M. Kaplan