Girl on Steps by Daniel Bowman Ashe
Clammy by Russell Lewis
Broken Doll by James Helmer
Stephen by Nathan Caplan
Untitled 8 by Keith Broadhurst
Brothers of Summer by Tracy Moore
Boys at Home by Thomas G. Hocker
Kula by Mark Berry
Street Performer by Kyle Wilson
Universal by Kyle Bebout
Routine by Ralph Henzler
Offerings by Rob Haff
Hannah in the Forest by Wendy Roche
No Exit by Edward R. Sancious
On the Dance Floor by Joycelyn Elaine Wilson
Well Traveled by Leah Burgett
Venetian Angle #2 by Jim McKinniss
The Siren Past by Joseph Corrado
Agra Man by Hang Zhang
Mahjong by Cory Zaradur
The Day After Bob P's 53rd Birthday by Miranda Gatewood
Together 01 by Paul van Tol
Linda Hopkins by Dailey Pike
White Dove by Jay Warren
Fog 10 by Shifra Levyathan
Awaiting for the Storm by Richard Man
Handful of Wishes by Peter Ingrasselino
Contortionist by Michael Gora
The Prayer 8 by Jolanta Sosinska
Smiling Eyes by Jay Spilker