Hommage to My Mother by Boros Gabor
Mosque by Cory Zaradur
Eiffel Tower by Wendy Roche
Tulluride Golf Course Snow Approaching by Dick Nosbisch
Presque Isle Harbor by Gregory D. Seman
Shrimper at Sea by Peter Ingrasselino
Guard by Augustus Napier
Fishermen by Linda Berman
The Long Walk by Roger Cody Bost
Peat by R.D. Smith
Bridge to Repentance by Cynthia Merzer
Forest Dream Road by David Jeffery
Shadow Play 5 by Shifra Levyathan
Still Watching Over London by Jay Warren
Ecce Homines 9 by Carlo Cassanelli
Fade Away by Darren Paskal
Friendship Bell No 1 by Ron Discipulo
Roof Top by Thomas E. Rollins
Tower Bridge by Marco Zanazzi
Culbertson Fountain by David W. Cook
Admiring Rothko by Glenn Ronning
Survival by Debora Cartagena
The Travelers by Yu-Chen Chiu
On the Cusp by Jesse L. Young
Gathering on the Canal by Allan Noseworthy
Butt Parade by Dennis Schlachter
Trailer Park by Thomas G. Hocker
Farol Da Barra I by Alessandro Gruetzmacher
Nature Intervention by Roberto Soares-Gomes
Painters by Jose Luis Silva