Malibu Water Tank by Jim Hanks
Out of Position by Pablo F. Rivera
Slide 10 by Adam Williams
Prawns by Lee Grossman
TexturedSphere by Linda Whitney
Untitled 1 by Aidan Kessler
Standstill by Nicolas Grandmangin
Winter on the Beach 07 by Willem Bannink
Mud Star by Thomas Winter
Chandelier by Miroslav M. Vrzala
Rorschach by Gautam Jaggi
Dead Oak Patterns by Richard Wilkie
Waves by Alan H. Simmons
E = MC2 as Seen Through the Eyes of Time by Gale Nobes
Boat Wake by Larry A. Kjorvested
Superior Driftwood by David E. Wensel
Moving Rocks 10 by Mark Brittain
Flower in the Sky by Bob Chilton
Taos Pueblo-9 by William L. Witmer
Laces and Patterns by Richard Man
Brick Work by Norman Press