Mortars and Pestles by John Lewis
Untitled 04 by David Aschkenas
December Morning Walk #6 by Richard Serviss
Subway Call by David Lykes Keenan
I Am Not Trash by Bill Rosenberg
East Los Angeles CA by John F. Simpson
Piano at Salvage Shop by Richard C. Johnson
I See You by Doug Bisson
Wall With a Window by David Kyungsoo Chun
Salton Sea Marina1 Salton Sea by Dennis R. Ford
Plymouth Ave. by Richard Anderson
Pier by Krzysztof Brzeski
Sinking by Tina Kim
Not in Kansas Anymore by Jon Evan Glaser
Second Hand by Jos V. Desmedt
A Dry Heat by Wayne Norton
Variations on White 2 by Judith Monteferrante
Walking Stick Man by Les Allen
City Hall Rail by John Kosboth
Classic Cars 3 by Roberto Frieri
Trespassing by Lloyd Baggs
Texture by Cheryl Quick
Bikini Blast by David Guidas
Roller Coaster by Brunel Galhego Ricci
Kosovo #4 by David Tucker II
Inside Locke 7 by Ron Discipulo
Garbage 4 by Carole Usdan
Short Hills by Sallie Carothers
Untitled 2 by Thomas Duffy
Untitled 05 by Eric Newnam