Elaine Jones Heron Last Lotus of Summer Fly River, Papua New Guinea 2018
Elaine Jones Heron Adelie Penguins on a Journey Antarctia 2013
Elaine Jones Heron Child of the Mursi Tribe Omo Valley, Ethiopia 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Stroll on a Bactrian Camel Gobi Desert, Mongolia 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Struggle New Zealand 2013
Elaine Jones Heron Children at the Village Gate Omo Valley, Ethiopia 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Ethiopian Woman Omo Valley, Ethiopia 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Waterfall Fun Tufi, Papua New Guinea 2018
Elaine Jones Heron Run on a Cool Morning Parkfield, California 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Eagle Hunter and His Eagle Uglii, Mongolia 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Scars From Coming-of-Age Ceremony of Her Brother Omo Valley, Ethiopia 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Aftermath of the Forest Fire Yosemite, California 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Elephant Seal in the Morning Piedras Blancas, California 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Guardian of the Herd Omo Valley, Ethiopia 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Eagle Hunter and His Favorite Gal Uglii, Mongolia 2019
Elaine Jones Heron Mom What Big Teeth You Have Tanzania 2015