Silent Night 010 by Jungwon You
Pathways by Stuart Brontman
American War Cemetery and Memorial #3 by Peter Willemse
Yellow Ruin by Douglas Carr Cunningham
A Foggy Sunset by Sonja Hall
Man Fishing by Don Brown
Insomnia 10 by Kim Wontaek
Climbing Party 2 by Bob Neiman
High Water # 2 by Paolo Ameli
Turnagain Arm by Delbert LaRue
Hay Bales by William R. West, Jr.
Irene by Betsey Chesler
Mermaid Parade 001 by Marna Bell
Down-Time and Contemplation by Roger Gaess
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region #11 by Shinya Ichikawa
Villa Carlotta Dome by Hillary Greene-Pae
Shelburne Farms - Farm Barn by Gerald Davis
Mansfield Plantation by Arthur Sands
Cottonwood Trees by Tom Kirkendall
Train 7 by Suzanne Roland
Road Outside Kashgar by Larry Snider
Senior City 10 by Mike Spector
The Cave by Jose Paulo Andrade
Untitled 8 by Paul Italiano
Inseparable by Jason Au
Valletta by Daria Troitskaia
Texting by John Morrow Jones
Einbeiniger Mann by Michael Ruggiero
Congregational Church by Samuel Davis
Centre Pompidou by Heikki Gröhn