Goat Tied Up by Jack Feder
Roam by Travis Cadalzo
The Greeter by John Batdorff II
Taking Wing by John Bergholm
Sutter Portrait by Bev Pettit
Immersion Dances 01 by Darrell Sano
Untitled 3 by Danielle Allman
Minnows by Barry Challice
Damselfly by Bill Bain
Shadows 7 by Melinda Isachsen
Sea Gull by Alex Rybkin
Moth by Ed Perkins
Cats and Chicken by Winston Conway Link
Untitled 5 by Dustin R. DuFault
Horses by Jess Gore
Just a Snack by C. Dennis McKelroy
Mawari Horse by Caitlin Taylor
Mad Cat by Randy Deerdoff
Mr.Fox by Melissa Rachel Black
Running Reindeer 1 by Birgitte Aarestrup
Lake of the Isles Dog Park 2 by Thomas Sandelands
Little Magi's Sweet Home 2 by Eugenia Maximova
Juggler by Denis Palbiani
Just Passing Through by Jennifer Jackson
Feared Mediums by Vinod Dave
Gyr Falcon by Jerry Kalman
Chat by Anne Setlakwe
Egret by Robert Gillich
Love by Surin Banyatpiyaphod
Glacier National Park by Dale Livingston