Flamboyance by Angela Previte
Pretty Boy by Barbara Maker Anthone
Cool Shades by Barbara Maker Anthone
Reindeer by Geffrard Bourke
Four Brown Pelicans by Surf by John Kuhn Jr.
Tandem Flight by Pounding Surf by John Kuhn Jr.
Smile by Larry Blankenship
Sand Hill Crane by James Siatczynski
Alcove by Beamie Young
White Horses at a Gallop by Jody Miller
Untitled No. 2 by Christopher Pamperin
Two Birds on S Stick by Christopher Cove
The Family Portrait by Anne Dignam
Strutting My Stuff by Anne Dignam
The Warning Growl by Anne Dignam
California Condor by Ron Croft
Bull Elk by Ron Croft
Somewhere Out There by Sanford Davis
Those Eyes by Sanford Davis
The Geese by Tony Barbour
Whistling Duck Silhouettes, Boynton Beach, Florida, 2024 by Bill Gozansky
Great Egrets by Laszlo Perlaky
Unwinding at the Bar by Gerry Limjuco
Pichulin Andrés by Torleif Hamre
Emperor Penguin by Dennis Greenhill
Masai Mara, 2017 by Robert Field
Mates by Pratibha Reddy
Branding Boss by Timothy Needham
On the March by Margaret West
Drought Is Exhausting by Margaret West