Untitled 6 by Steven Cruz Leacock
Let It Fall by Lisa Summer
Santeria #11 by Ilya Genin
Just Out of Reach by Hengki Lee
Shadows by Karen Santos
Fallen Idol by Keith Broadhurst
Water Signature #143 by Peter-Andrew Gravina
Ecce Homines 4 by Carlo Cassanelli
Peaceful Dream by Jim Gabbard
Perseus Slays Medusa 01 by Barbara Warren
Silence Can't Be Cut by Angela Bacon-Kidwell
Broken Shadow by Joycelyn Elaine Wilson
Omnipresence by Susan Annable
People at an Exhibition #26 by Marilynn Waters
5 Untitled by David Nanni
Easy Travel by Lee Grossman
Fog 5 by Shifra Levyathan
Sense of Place Triptych by Steve Dzerigian
Moon Dance 2 by Jerry Cohen
Imperfections by Paul Crampton
Untitled 3 by Lu Zhang
Exist in Obscurity by Edward R. Sancious
Untitled 12 by James Helmer
Escape by Harry Umen
Magic Show by Chris Olness
Trailer by Jose Luis Silva
Angel at Rest by Tim Slaven
Fisherman by Wendy Roche
Secrets by Ralph Sammarco
Bad Man by Hunter Wyatt-Brown III