Walking the Dog by David Robertson
Epiphany by Arthur Jacoby
Rearing by Laura Knecht
The Speed of Bike1 by Debbie Scott-Queenin
Fire Dancer 7 by Edward Bartel
Jesse Cook Show 3 by Gary Regulski
Smoke by Paul Italiano
Danlio by Ron Meyer
Coney-10 by Alan Hans
Sounds of Silence by Ellen Rosenberg
Artist and Curious Girl by J. Scott Pollock
The Agony of Defeat by David Stevenson
Salsa by Terry Donnelly
Marching Band by Fabrice Strippoli
Clara Warming Up by Kip Harris
Holmes Run Trail by Geoffrey Brown
Yael Plays Flamenco by Allan Goldstein
Sweet Sounds From Above by Lawrence Silverman
Balancing Act by Gary Levy
Chief Jules Strongbow-Frank Hill vs Pat Paterson by Monte Gerlach
Bruis by Steve Scheuring
Subway Orchestra by Bob Bader
Hope by Susan Annable
Street Photo Batting Practice by Jan Yarborough
Naz by Charles Allen Haynes
Tara Caballero Boxing Beauty Portrait 1 by David Nienow
Sax by Tyler Vance