60 Watt by Alejandro Zulas
Coat Rack by Alan Henriksen
Untitled 8 by Mark Sadan
Better Days by Ron Hugo
The Black Angel by Kim A. Holz
Sculptor by John R. Ziemba
Once Upon a Time by Judi Richins
Wigs by Adrian Roland Davis
Windmill by Howard Hamilton
Curve by Don Kim
Waiting for Spring by Vern Bartley
Bread and Water by Jack Delmonte
Untitled 4 by Paul Sokal
Egg on Handle by Kim A. Holz
The Winds of Non-Change by Art Braitman
Caps Still Life by Raymond van Tassel
1852 Bible by Jack Daulton
Left Behind by David E. Becker
Cloud Vessel by Babara House
Helping Hand by Kim A. Holz
Street Cafe by Ron Draxler
Trophy 1 by Darrell Williamson
Faith by Benno Auerbach
Three Windows by Jim Kelly
Untitled 14 by Paul Sokal
Where's Jack by Dan Richard Barber
Santa Clara Adobe by Leonard Volk
The Way Out by Erin Michael
They Comfort Me by Paul Crampton
No Bones About It by Susan Stone