Twisted by Lance Key
Canyon Road Window by Barbara Smith
Inside Looking Out by Kim A. Holz
Untitled 11 by Chuck Kimmerle
Evil Eye by Torleif Hamre
Still Life With Cans by Jonathan Lutz
Untitled 16 by Robert Jones
End of the Line by Larry Blackwood
Tears of Baghdad by Martin Olsen
Untitled by Jackie Hunt
Mourning Flowers by Rudolph De Ram
A Conversation by Ed Perkins
Wood Kiln by David Wolfe
Chair and Shadow by Marj Green
Lace by Dustin Lamb
Mud Baths by Joanie F. Murphy
Untitled 3 by Daniel R. Schmidt
A Waist by Raymond van Tassel
Fede E Arte by Paul C. Smits
Oil by Paul C. Smits
Wind Turbine 7 by Robert McCall
Istanbul by Elena Ehrenwald
Street Lamp by Linda Holinger
Storefront Church by George W. Seitz
At the Last Trump by Jack Knox
Portals to the Past by Kaitlyn Vander Broek
Caretaker by Pierrot Jeannot
Hidden Sign by Art Braitman
Refuge by Lance Key
Carnival Ride by George E. Sperzel