Smart Women Never Miss by Jason Leath
Nocks Landing by Ron Hugo
A Visitor by Kim A. Holz
Boston Pipes by Leonard Volk
The Abare House by Patrick Miles Johnston
Boot by Veneta Zahaieva
Birth & Death by Andrew Effendy
Betts Cemetery by Ron Hugo
Decay by Sophie Abbott
Wickies Route by Vern Bartley
Pitchfork by Jeffrey Glasser
Untitled 14 by Wolfgang Stöger
Untitled by Stefan Dziewanowski
Slow Turning by Larry Blackwood
Ice Storm by Virginia S. Metevia
Eclectic 8 by Charles
Tanks & Sunflowers by Leonard Volk
Sea Shell by Virginia S. Metevia
Feet by Dustin Lamb
Untitled #3 by Steve Huth
Civil Piece by Lance Key
Sail by David E. Becker
Eternal Sleep by Kim A. Holz
Hashmark by Dave Sova
Untitled 2 by Sandro Glaettli
Saying Farewell by Paul C. Smits
Spoon of Remembrance by Elena Ehrenwald
Still Life With Acorns by Tatyana Bessmertnaya
Untitled 7 by Keith Harper
Web Pearls by Ron Hugo