Habitat by Kevin D. Nelson
Maternal Instincts by Gordon Ownby
More Than Magazines by Federico Perego
Photo 163 by Serge Plante
Bolt by Michael Elenko
The Car by Laura Rossi
Standing Around by Ron Draxler
Barbed Wire by Ed Perkins
Save Us by Dan Garcia
White Rose by Katherine Clarkin
Globe and Flag by Robert Schwiebert
Untitled 9 by Chuck Kimmerle
Virgin in the Window by Burton Diephuis
Splash #1 by John Muchow
Temple Door by Jim Kelly
Untitled 4 by Daniel R. Schmidt
Fry by Dan Garcia
Bottles in Lanckorona by Alicja Gubała
Lifeguard #1 by George E. Sperzel
One Key! One Note! by Pierrot Jeannot
Dancing by Alejandro Zulas
Bulbous Bow by Bob Bernstein
Broken Childhood by John Muchow
Untitled 8 by Robert Jones
Quiet Corner by Jane Robbins Kerr
Tack Room by George W. Seitz
Untitled 08 by Art Braitman
Taos Doors by Barbara Smith
Untitled 2 by Milicska Jalbert
Firenza Tetto Duo by Ron Hugo